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County of Orange Announces New District Maps

Santa Ana, Calif. (January 6, 2022) – Effective today, the new County of Orange Supervisorial maps are available to the public by clicking here. The Board approved the maps at its December 7, 2021 Board meeting.

The County’s Redistricting Website contains the new maps along with information on the redistricting process. In addition to the County and individual district maps, the website includes an interactive web map where individuals can enter an address and determine its district.

Redistricting is the regular process of adjusting the lines of voting districts, including Orange County’s Supervisorial Districts, in accordance with population shifts.  The redistricting process is done every 10 years for local, state and federal governmental bodies by using updated Census data. The 2021 County of Orange redistricting process used data from the 2020 Census. Local jurisdictions, including the County of Orange, were required to complete the redistricting process by no later than December 15, 2021, to allow for the new supervisorial districts to be ready for use in the June 7, 2022 primary election. 
