Share what autumn in Orange County, California, means to you by participating in our “Autumn OC” photo contest.
Whether you’re visiting an OC Parks pumpkin patch, enjoying the fall foliage or falling leaves, taking a chilly visit to the local beaches or enjoying other fun autumn activities, you can take your best photo and enter it into our contest for a chance to win.
Like our Facebook page (@ocgov) and follow us on Twitter (@OCGovCA) to see contest updates throughout the month, including the top three photos each week, and to have a chance to vote.
How to Enter:
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS BY EMAIL ONLY: Entering is easy and free! Send only ONE image file per email AS AN ATTACHMENT (do not embed image files in the message area) and send to: ceocom@ocgov.com with the subject line “Photo Contest Entry.”
For each email, the contestant MUST supply the following information:
- On the email subject line: “Photo Contest Entry”
- In the message area enter:
- First and last name of contestant:
- Contact phone number:
- Email address:
- Title of photograph:
- Date and location where photo was taken:
- No photographs older than three years, please.
By submitting entries, the contestant acknowledges and agrees to the terms of the contest ENTRY AGREEMENT.
If you have questions contact the Communications Division by email at ceocom@ocgov.com.
Deadlines to Enter:
The “Autumn OC” photo contest begins Oct. 3, 2017, and entries will be accepted through Nov. 2, 2017.
Beginning Nov. 3, followers of the County of Orange Facebook page will have the opportunity to vote, and voting will be open through noon on Nov. 10. A winner will be announced the afternoon of Nov. 10.
Additional Details:
Photo entries must be taken by you, and you must have the rights to the photo.
Photos can range from parks, neighborhoods and beaches to monuments, buildings, libraries and other views of the County. Photos that feature a person or individual people will only be accepted into the contest, if the entrant signs and returns a photo release form.
Entries should convey qualities of Orange County that make the County a safe, healthy and fulfilling place to live, work and play.
Entries should consider the quality of the photo, artistic composition and should make sure that the entry appeals to a broad audience community.
Judging/Public Voting:
Photos will be judged on originality, artistic composition, technical quality, photographic technique and relevance to the County being a “safe, healthy and fulfilling place to live, work and play.” The top three entries will be selected and shared each Friday during the contest.
On Nov. 3, the overall top three photos from the entire month will be posted to Facebook allowing members of the public to vote. Members of the general public who have an active Facebook account and have chosen to “Like” the County of Orange Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ocgov/) will have a chance to vote on the entries. One “like” counts as one vote, and the entrant earning the most votes during the voting period will be named the winning photo.
The winner of the “Autumn OC” photo contest will receive a certificate of recognition from the County and will have his/her winning photo featured in the County Hall of Administration building (333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701).
Entry Agreement:
By submitting your photo(s) to the County of Orange, you release all claims to individual copyright and certify you are the rightful owner of said photograph. You authorize the County of Orange (and its departments/agencies) to use your photograph online, in print or in any other medium.
By submitting an entry, you represent and warrant that your entry:
- is your own original work;
- does not contain material or images that are, in the County’s judgment, obscene, inappropriate for a general audience that may include minors, or defamatory;
- does not violate or infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other rights of any person or entity;
- does not contain malicious code, such as viruses, timebombs, cancelbots, worms, Trojan horses or other potentially harmful programs or other material or information;
- does not and will not violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation; and does not trigger any reporting or royalty obligation to any third party.
You further represent and warrant that the rights that you are granting do not conflict in any way with any other agreement to which you are a party, or with any commitments, restrictions, or obligations that you are under to any other person or entity.
Previous County of Orange Photo Contests
View photos from our “Summer OC” Photo Contest that run from June 20, 2017, through July 20, 2017: "Summer OC" Photo Album.
View photos from our “Love OC” Photo Contest that ran from February 14, 2017, through March 14, 2017: "Love OC" Photo Album.